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The fantastic start to 2024 has continued and our students’ engagement with their learning is outstanding.
I have already outlined our Whole School Agreed Inclusive Practices 1 and 2, and will now address our third:
‘Each class has a daily, regular, consistent and visually displayed routine that students know and is communicated to parents each term. Unexpected routine changes are well communicated to all students (and parents where possible).
By now our teachers will have shared with parents what the daily and weekly routine looks like in their classrooms. By providing this information to you, our intention is to help you support your child in preparing for their school day. Additionally, we endeavour to minimise disruptions to classes and give advance warning of changes when possible. Having consistent routines and structures promotes a child’s social and emotional development and breeds a familiarity that supports belonging, as students feel more confident, safe and secure in their school day. This stability helps create a sense of calm and order that can ease anxiety, facilitate smoother transitions between activities and lessen the cognitive load on both students and teachers, so there is more ‘space’ for learning to happen.
On Tuesday our School Association had their AGM and almost all the positions were filled. After many years as the staff representatives, Mrs Sonia Cobbing and Mrs Marlene Gleeson have stepped down and I would like to take the opportunity to thank them both for their long-time dedication to our School Association. Mrs Carolyn Costello and Ms Jenni Maartensz are the new staff representatives on the School Association. Jess Quilliam has also resigned, and I would like to acknowledge her contribution here also. As such, we do have 2 vacancies for parent members. Our School Association meets on a Tuesday, twice per term, once for a meeting and once for a Working Party. We begin and 5pm and generally conclude by 6: 30pm. If you would like to join us, please contact Brittany Leonard (School Association chair) via the school.
We have plugged it a bit and I hope by now everyone is aware that our focus this term has been on belonging. PizzaREADia may have been a celebration of Tasmania Reads, but just like our Orange Day and Discos that were held on Wednesday to belatedly celebrate (belatedly) Harmony Week – they both also aimed to increase the sense of belonging our students and families feel towards our school. A huge thank you to Ms Maartensz and our dedicated Student Representative Council for organising both these very successful events.
Are we hitting the target? Is belonging increasing at Havenview Primary School?
Between Easter and the end of term I will be taking some Long Service Leave so I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Easter Break and holiday at the end of term. I look forward to continuing work with the Havenview Primary School community in Term 2.
To finish my last newsletter for the Term, I would like to share my C for Celebration (just like our students do in their 4C community circles). And it is a celebration for our entire school staff who were applauded by a parent for their outstanding service to the students and families in our school – they noted that we consistently go ‘above and beyond’ and ‘talk’ is always positive when others speak of HPS in the local community. That certainly filled our buckets. Thank you.
Tuesdays and Thursdays | School Lunch Project |
Friday 29 March | Good Friday Public Holiday |
Monday 1 April | Easter Monday Public Holiday |
Tuesday 2 April | Easter Tuesday Public Holiday |
Wednesday 10 April | End of Term Assembly 1.45pm |
Monday 15 April - Friday 26 April | School Holidays |
Monday 29 April | Start of Term 2 |
Thusday 13 - Tuesday 18 June | OHST Fissure Seal Visits ( Dental Van ) |
Reading Update
During 2024 all our teachers and teacher assistants will be undergoing training in how to teach reading based on the latest evidence. At Havenview Primary School, teachers have already completed half the training set for the year. Importantly, all staff from Kindergarten to Year 12 across Tasmania will be doing the same training. This means that by 2026, no matter which teacher your child has, they will be taught to become confident readers in the same way. We will be sharing more information with families during the year. For more information head to the DECYP website:
Another focus area in maths this term is area and perimeter. We have learnt that the perimeter is the distance outside a shape or object. We wrote our names on graph paper and calculated the perimeter of each side of the letters. Then we calculated all the sides and were left with our total perimeter.
We hope you enjoy some of our work!
Student assistant Scheme (STAS)
Is your family eligible for the Student Assistance Scheme ( STAS )?
Parents who have a current concession card as listed below can apply for dependent students for assistance under the STAS:
- Services Australia Health Care Card
- Services Australia Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia Pensioner Concession Card or
- Department of Veteran Affairs Pensioner Concession Card.
Online form can be found at:-
Confidence is a superpower for kids. It helps them enjoy challenges, take reasonable risks, try new things and adjust well to school life. It can also buffer against social anxiety and school refusal. Parents and carers play a key role in building confidence up. Here are some tips to help.
First, praise their efforts, not just their achievements. Let them know you’re proud of their progress, no matter the outcome. Children also learn a lot by watching how you handle obstacles, so try to set a positive example.
Next, instead of trying to fix every problem for children, try asking questions like What have you tried so far? or What do you think might happen if you try this? Breaking a problem down into smaller steps can also help kids learn to work through it.
In addition, show confidence in their abilities by letting them do things for themselves as soon as they’re ready. Encourage them to set some challenging but realistic goals and praise their progress. Let them know losing or making a mistake doesn’t mean failure, it means they’re learning.
And finally, laughing is a great way for kids to express emotions and feel good about themselves. Enjoy those moments together – it’s all part of building a positive connection where confidence can blossom.
To explore this topic further, read Triple P’s article.
Free online parenting support from the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® helps you raise happier, more confident kids.
Dear Parent/Guardian
Our School will be switching over to a new messaging platform for communicating with you. This will replace our current system SMS Global.
The new platform, called EdSmart is an Australian platform which is designed to improve communication in school communities by allowing electronic messaging i.e. SMS and emails. For now, it will be used to manage absences messages i.e. you will receive a SMS or email alert if your child is absent from school requesting a response. It will also allow us to send a communication message to all parent/guardians.
The platform will, over time, be rolled out across all Tasmanian Government Schools and new features will be added.
You will receive a text message and/or an email with further details. Note, the text message sender will be a shortened version of our school’s name - Please keep an eye out for it!
Further information is available on the Department’s website
As of last year Havenview Primary School moved from using Class DoJo to Seesaw for communicating with families. You should have recieved a barcode from your child/rens teacher, if you have not received a barcode or having trouble accessing seesaw please make contact with your child/rens class teacher.
The Happy Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza
The Happy Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza! – Saturday 30 March 2024
We are egggstremely eggcited to invite you to HOP in to celebrate Easter and enjoy a FREE family Eggstravaganza event at the Burnie Cultural Precinct!
Even though the Burnie Cultural Precinct is being renovated, the Easter Bunny will be hopping in to spread some Easter joy and we would love you to join us!
Come in and watch a live puppetry performance ‘A Little Bit of Blue “in the Town Hall.
We need your help to solve a mystery, someone keeps pinching Mavis’s things… can you help solve the case?
Two special performances during the Happy Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza….
There will be Easter Crafts, Face Painting, Games, Photo Booth, Animal Nursery…. and Easter Eggs!
Free BBQ
Coffee and sweet treats available for purchase
Special guest the Easter Bunny …..
Come and enjoy an Easter treat on us!
No bookings required unless you are going to watch the FREE puppet show as well !
Saturday 30 March 2024
10am until 3pm
For more information please visit
Come join us for some Easter fun, bring the whole family and enjoy some Easter treats on us !
Please note due to limited space we ask that you pop in have some Easter fun and hop home and enjoy your free Easter treats …. Limited seating