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- Principals Report
- Important Dates
- Above and Beyond
- The Happy Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza
- Grade 3/4 Penguin Athletics Carnival
- Grade 5/6 NWPSSA Athletics Carnival
- School photos
- School Association
- Parents Group
- Student assistant Scheme (STAS)
- Breast Screen Tasmania
- New Communication Platform
- Every school day matters
- Community News
Our students and staff have been coping admirably with the hot, sticky weather – wearing their hats and keeping hydrated. It is a timely reminder that we are a water only school and as such expect all school community members to be only drinking water while on site. If this causes any problems, please contact me at the school to discuss how we can support your child to stay hydrated.
Parents – thank you! Our current attendance rate is sitting at 91% which evidences the concerted effort you are making to get your children to school on time, and every day. To highlight the importance of being at school every day, staff have started implementing a Random Reward on certain days to celebrate student attendance. Although, focusing on improved attendance, please, if your child is sick, keep them home until they have recovered.
As I stated in the last newsletter, it is my intention to share our HPS Whole School Agreed Inclusive Practices with our wider school community, via our newsletter. Our 2nd Inclusive Practice states: Students and staff check-in at the beginning of, and throughout the day. A community circle, known as the 4Cs (Care, Concern, Compliment, Celebration) is part of every class’s daily routine. There is an effective, standardised system of self-regulation used in classrooms and external to classrooms. Students understand the size of their problem and are encouraged to self-regulate or co-regulate if needed. Students and staff presenting in escalated states are quickly identified and appropriately supported. Students identifying they feel unsafe have a voice and steps are taken to ensure their safety and address their concerns.
In unpacking Inclusive Practice 2, the 4Cs became a whole school expectation at the beginning of this year and since its implementation we have noted a pleasing improvement in how our students compliment and care for each other. Additionally, students and staff check-in according to the Zones of Regulation (we will send more information home about this later in the term) at differing points throughout the day. All classrooms have designated Regulation Spaces, which now include the recently purchased ‘PODS’ which students can access when needing to self-regulate. Additionally, our redevelopment has provided us with a dedicated Assisted Regulation Space that can be accessed by our students in consultation with their teacher if they require support to regulate. This is known as co-regulation.
All DECYP schools now have a Safeguarding Lead - in our school this is Jenni Maartensz. Ms Maartensz will be working with students during the year to identify where they feel safe and unsafe at school and from this, we will take steps to make improvements.
Congratulations to all our wonderful representatives who attended the recent NWPSSA Athletics Carnivals. Mrs Byard, Kelly, Mrs McCoy and Mr L all reported our students were great ambassadors for our school, giving their best and representing our school with pride. A big thank you to all staff who attended and worked behind the scenes to make this opportunity happen for our students.
Please be aware that our Primary Progress Reports will be sent home at the end of Week 7. Our staff are looking forward to sharing how well our students have started the year. Parents wishing to discuss their child / ren’s progress are welcome to make appointments with teachers after they have received the Progress Report.
Tuesdays and Thursdays | School Lunch Project |
Wednesday 20 March |
PizzaREADia |
Friday 22 March |
Scholastic Book Club Due |
Tuesday 26 March |
Student Council Harmony Day Belonging Disco (wear orange) |
Tuesday 26 March |
School Assosiation Meeting 5pm |
Wednesday 27 March | School Photos |
Friday 29 March | Good Friday Public Holiday |
Monday 1 April | Easter Monday Public Holiday |
Tuesday 2 April | Easter Tuesday Public Holiday |
Wednesday 10 April | End of Term Assembly 1.45pm |
Monday 15 April - Friday 26 April | School Holidays |
Monday 29 April | Start of Term 2 |
Thusday 13 - Tuesday 18 June | OHST Fissure Seal Visits ( Dental Van ) |
The Happy Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza
The Happy Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza! – Saturday 30 March 2024
We are egggstremely eggcited to invite you to HOP in to celebrate Easter and enjoy a FREE family Eggstravaganza event at the Burnie Cultural Precinct!
Even though the Burnie Cultural Precinct is being renovated, the Easter Bunny will be hopping in to spread some Easter joy and we would love you to join us!
Come in and watch a live puppetry performance ‘A Little Bit of Blue “in the Town Hall.
We need your help to solve a mystery, someone keeps pinching Mavis’s things… can you help solve the case?
Two special performances during the Happy Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza….
There will be Easter Crafts, Face Painting, Games, Photo Booth, Animal Nursery…. and Easter Eggs!
Free BBQ
Coffee and sweet treats available for purchase
Special guest the Easter Bunny …..
Come and enjoy an Easter treat on us!
No bookings required unless you are going to watch the FREE puppet show as well !
Saturday 30 March 2024
10am until 3pm
For more information please visit
Come join us for some Easter fun, bring the whole family and enjoy some Easter treats on us !
Please note due to limited space we ask that you pop in have some Easter fun and hop home and enjoy your free Easter treats …. Limited seating
Grade 3/4 Penguin Athletics Carnival
Grade 3/4 Penguin Athletics Carnival
On Wednesday the 6th of March twelve students represented Havenview Primary at the Penguin Athletics Carnival including Chad Jackson, Blake Pilkington, Bailey Kelly, Addison McClaren, Olivia Howard, Chloe Ward, Rocco Woodhouse, Deacon Hanigan, Harry Jackson, Mia Whiteroad, Jordi Nibbs and Charlotte French. All students represented their school well, trying their best and cheering their team on!
Chad, Rocco, Bailey, Chloe, Deacon, Mia and Olivia made it to the semifinal in their different race categories and our Grade 3 relay team came second.
Well done to all students that participated!
Mrs Bronte Byard
Grade 5/6 NWPSSA Athletics Carnival
North West Athletics Carnival 2024
On Thursday the 7th of March 2024, 14 grade 5/6 students went to Penguin to represent Havenview Primary School in the North West Athletics Carnival. Mrs McCoy and Mr Levinge were our adult supervisors who also cheered everyone on and helped everyone have a spectacular day. The weather was amazing, and it helped keep the tan up (while being sun safe of course).
Some highlights of the day were seeing friends from other schools, creating new friends, the spectacular team spirt and all the cheering that was happening to help our team members confidence. There was one grade 6 student who made it into the Twilight Carnival, Nicholas Jackson (for the 75 metre sprint).
We were all grateful for making it to the event and to having an amazing day.
Student assistant Scheme (STAS)
Is your family eligible for the Student Assistance Scheme ( STAS )?
Parents who have a current concession card as listed below can apply for dependent students for assistance under the STAS:
- Services Australia Health Care Card
- Services Australia Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia Pensioner Concession Card or
- Department of Veteran Affairs Pensioner Concession Card.
Online form can be found at:-
Dear Parent/Guardian
Our School will be switching over to a new messaging platform for communicating with you. This will replace our current system SMS Global.
The new platform, called EdSmart is an Australian platform which is designed to improve communication in school communities by allowing electronic messaging i.e. SMS and emails. For now, it will be used to manage absences messages i.e. you will receive a SMS or email alert if your child is absent from school requesting a response. It will also allow us to send a communication message to all parent/guardians.
The platform will, over time, be rolled out across all Tasmanian Government Schools and new features will be added.
You will receive a text message and/or an email with further details. Note, the text message sender will be a shortened version of our school’s name - Please keep an eye out for it!
Further information is available on the Department’s website
As of last year Havenview Primary School moved from using Class DoJo to Seesaw for communicating with families. You should have recieved a barcode from your child/rens teacher, if you have not received a barcode or having trouble accessing seesaw please make contact with your child/rens class teacher.
Confidence is a superpower for kids. It helps them enjoy challenges, take reasonable risks, try new things and adjust well to school life. It can also buffer against social anxiety and school refusal. Parents and carers play a key role in building confidence up. Here are some tips to help.
First, praise their efforts, not just their achievements. Let them know you’re proud of their progress, no matter the outcome. Children also learn a lot by watching how you handle obstacles, so try to set a positive example.
Next, instead of trying to fix every problem for children, try asking questions like What have you tried so far? or What do you think might happen if you try this? Breaking a problem down into smaller steps can also help kids learn to work through it.
In addition, show confidence in their abilities by letting them do things for themselves as soon as they’re ready. Encourage them to set some challenging but realistic goals and praise their progress. Let them know losing or making a mistake doesn’t mean failure, it means they’re learning.
And finally, laughing is a great way for kids to express emotions and feel good about themselves. Enjoy those moments together – it’s all part of building a positive connection where confidence can blossom.
To explore this topic further, read Triple P’s article.
Free online parenting support from the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® helps you raise happier, more confident kids.