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- Principals Report
- Important Dates
- Above and Beyond
- News from Prep-1
- News from 5-6
- 5-6 Sports Day
- Book Week Parade
- Book Week Beanstalk
- Introducing Millie
- Soupa Wednesday
- HPS Parents Group
- School Lunch Project
- Let's Talk Reading
- Working together
- Virtual Learning Centre
- Don't forget about Kookaburra Bookworms
- Every school day matters.
- Sora
- West. North West Working
- Community News
Benson Landscaping have completed the redevelopment of our lower garden area and it is looking very smart indeed. This will now be a valuable learning area for our school, and I encourage parents to take the time to have a look at the space that has been created. A huge thank you to Dean and his workers at Benson Landscaping for their work. Classes will have the chance to work in this space in the next few weeks before the space will become fully available to students.
Building works as part of the Contemporary Classroom Project have recommenced and the restructured spaces are starting to take shape. While there may be some noise and disruption over the next few weeks it will be great to have these areas completed and hopefully utilised by the end of the year.
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Australian Principals’ Association Conference in Hobart. This conference is a great networking opportunity to hear from education experts from across the world. Neuroscience educator Nathan Wallis talked about brain development and the importance of the first 1000 days in later outcomes for our children. He reiterated the fact that human beings need to be able to access the frontal cortex of their brain to learn. At Havenview Primary School, our Whole School Agreed Inclusive Practices include teaching students self- regulation strategies to help them do just that - access the frontal cortex. In fact, I am very much looking forward to next week’s Monday Morning Meeting where our hardworking Student Wellbeing Group will commence their work in sharing regulatory strategies with our students. They will initially demonstrate breathing strategies which will be practised in their classrooms throughout the week. These breathing techniques will also be shared with all families via social media, so together you can practise and encourage the use of these techniques at home.
Shortly, Parent and Staff Satisfaction Surveys are due to be completed. Over the last 2 years we have had a great response from parents in getting the parent survey completed and I encourage all parents to complete the survey as this data helps to inform our school improvement journey.
In closing, I would like to remind everyone that Wednesday 23 August is our Book Week Parade. I hope to see many of our families in attendance to celebrate Book Week and view the costumes that students and staff have created. Remember, we will have a morning tea for parents afterwards in the Café (from 9:45 – 10:15am) where Ms Maartensz will speak about the Concepts of Print and where to next when reading with our youngest learners.
Wednesday's Term 3 | Soupa Wednesday |
Tuesday & Friday | School Lunch Project |
Monday 21 - Friday 25 August | Book Week |
Wednesday 23 August | Book Week Parade |
Monday 28 Aug - Friday 1 Sept | Teacher Assistant Appreciation Week |
Wednesday 30 August | Fathers Day Stall |
Friday 29 September | Last day of Term |
October 2 - October 13 | School Holidays |
Monday 16 October | Start of Term 4 |
Bringing our Outdoor Learning In
By Prep-1
In Prep-1 when it is the Winter months, we bring the outdoors in by using natural materials to learn new skills and be creative.
We started by drawing a design from our imagination of what we thought a woodland’s creature might look like.
We then whittled a piece of wood using the whittling knives to sculpt our creature. We sanded part of the wood until it was smooth and added other details like eyes, a tail, or wings.
In literacy we made our own books about our woodland’s creatures. It was an information text which included family, habitat, and diet.
We learned about how artists use backgrounds and foregrounds to create depth in a picture. We used fine liner pens for the intricate details and used ink to add colour.
We then over the next 6 weeks started to create a diorama using a shoe box which showed the habitat where our woodlands creature would live.
We later added a 3d component using magi-clay, a pop out using a paper folding technique and added something to hang down from the roof of our diorama.
We also drew a design for a pouch to keep our woodlands creature safe.
We hope that you will appreciate the amount of hard work and time that has gone in to bringing our outdoor learning inside.
We especially love that they are all different and extremely beautiful.
We hope that you enjoy seeing part of our learning journey through the photos.
News from 5-6
In Term 3, our 5/6 class are completing writing challenges that are helping us writein many different styles, for different audiences, and meeting specific word count limits.
We are using a drafting/editing tool called RADAR that is helping towards refining our ideas and expanding them to make our writing more diverse and interesting.
We look forward to sharing on display many of our completed challenges throughout the term.
On Wednesday 9 August 5-6 students participated in the NWPSSA 5-6 Sports Day comprising of soccer, hockey, netball, basketball,football and volleyball. Thankyou to staff and Tmeeka for supervising and making it possible for students to play their chosen sport.
Melida has been working very hard creating a Read,Growth, Inspire Beanstalk, which encouraged students and staff to name their favorite books. Unfortunatley the photos do not do it justice, so I encourage you to come and check it out for yourselves.
Welcome Millie.
On Friday's you may notice Millie the Border Collie.
Millie is currently being trained as a therapy dog by Edward Costello, Edward is a social worker who is working with children in the school setting.
Millie will remain on a leash while she gets used to the children, and the schools busy environment.
Today's soup
Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup
1 large sweet potato - peeled and diced
1 large onion - sliced
3 carrots - peeled and sliced
1 tbs oil
3 Cups stock
1 clove crushed garlic
1 tsp each cumin and crushed ginger
sprinkle of chili flakes (optional)
Heat oil over medium heat and add onion, cook until soft.
Add cumin, ginger, garlic and chili if desired and stir well.
Add sweet potato and carrot.
Add stock and bring to the boil, once boiling reduce heat and continue to simmer for 30 minutes or until vegetables are soft.
Blend before serving, you can add a little water if you prefer a thinner soup.
Next weeks soup
Vegie Soup
1kg mixed vegetables, roughly chopped.
(For example we used potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, swede, celery, carrot and silverbeet.)
1 tbs olive oil
1 onion diced
2 cloves garlic crushed
1L vegetable stock
Fry onion and garlic in oil over medium heat until soft.
Add vegetables and stock and bring to the boil.
Simmer for 30 minutes or until vegetables are soft.
Blend until smooth and serve.
Havenview Primary Parents Group meet every Wednesday morning during school terms, in the Kookaburra Cafe. New faces and little helpers are always welcome.
Tmeeka Henricks
School Lunch Project menu for Term 2
Week 2 Sweet & Sour Chicken, Beef Pasta Bol
Week 3 Butter Chicken, Tomato Beans
Week 4 Sweet & Sour Chicken, Beef Pasta Bol
Week 5 Butter Chicken, Tomato Beans
Week 6 Beef Pasta Bol, Sweet & Sour Chicken
Week 7 Mexican Mince, Tuna Pasta Bake
Week 8 Beef Chow Mein, Chicken Casserole
Week 9 Mexican Mince, Tuna Pasta Bake
Working Together - Free education and care in 2023
Would you like your child to have the opportunity to make friends, play, learn and build confidence?
Working Together:
- Is free
- Offers 2 – 3 days of early learning per week for children
- Is available to children in their year before Kindergarten
- Provides support to families to participate in the program
- Is delivered through Tasmanian Early Childhood Education and Care services (sometimes known as childcare centres) in the following locations:
- North West – Burnie, Ulverstone and Devonport
- North – Launceston
- South - Brighton, Southern Midlands (Bagdad), Glenorchy and Kingborough
How can I take part?
Registrations are now open for 2023, with limited places available.
Learn more about Working Together and the eligibility criteria for children’s access at or contact us on:
- Email:
- North West: 0436 922 145
- North: 0436 930 963
- South: 0436 922 146
Virtual Learning Centre update!
If your child needs to stay home due to illness, but is well enough to continue learning, they may like to access the Virtual Learning Centre via Canvas.
For Kindergarten to Year 10 students, the VLC provides access to online lessons and activities for your child on various focus areas including Reading and Writing, Number, Science, Physical Activity and Wellbeing.
Your child can complete activities of interest to them or to support catch-up learning and revision.
If your child is unsure of their Canvas username and password to access the VLC, please let us know and we can provide these to you.
You can also access resources and ideas to support learning at home at Learning at home. You can find out more about the Virtual Learning Centre on the Department for Education, Children and Young People website.
Whilst we acknowledge that illness may mean students are at home for a short time, it’s so important that our students are actively participating in their learning. We know that going to school every day gives your child every chance to learn and grown and connect with their friends and teachers.
If you’re struggling to get your child to school, help is available. Please talk to us at school about your situation. We’ll support you, in whatever way we can.
Every school day matters
It’s Term 3 already – welcome back for another term!
As we move through the school year, sometimes regular school attendance can be challenging.
It’s important your child keeps up good attendance habits though.
Going to school every day means your child has every chance to learn, and be around their friends and teachers. Every day adds up, to benefit your child now and in the future.
If you’re having trouble getting your child to school, please talk to us. We’ll listen to your situation, and help in any way we can.
To find out more, visit the Anything can happen website.
SORA! eBooks at your fingertips.
Are you getting the most out of Sora? Over 140 schools have already used Sora to borrow eBooks, audiobooks and magazines.
All Tasmanian Government school students now have eBooks at their fingertips with Sora, a free lending app.
Students can access a huge collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines, comics, graphic novels and easy reads. Content is specially curated for students from Prep to Year 12.
Once Sora is downloaded from an app store or accessed via a web browser, students can borrow immediately from the Education Tasmania Sora collection.
You can go to the eBook platform for schools intranet page for how-to instructions to connect your learners with the Sora app.
Follow the Getting Started document or speak with the Libraries Tasmania team about setting up your school’s account today!
For more information: Sora in schools – Libraries Tasmania
For content enquiries:
We have had a game handed in to the office, if they belong to you please call into or call the school office on 6431 3995
Message to Havenview Primary parents
- Are you looking to re-enter the workforce after time away?
- Do you want to upskill or reskill to pursue your next career opportunity?
- Are you currently working but want to work more hours?
- Need help to uncover your transferrable skills?
- Want to become more confident and career ready?
There are many different paths leading to employment but finding your way can be tricky.
Alyssia at West North West Working can help you.
Alyssia can support you with preparing your resume, finding training opportunities and searching for work.
Our service is FREE and it’s voluntary to engage with us.
Contact or Alyssia on 0490 865 337
Alyssia is also at the Burnie Library every Monday between 11:30am and 2pm if you would like to call in.