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- Principals Report
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- Above and Beyond
- Anzac Day Parade
- Anzac Day
- News from Grade 5-6
- Get Reading!!
- School Lunch Project
- Soupa Wednesday
- Thank you Saputo !
- Green Thumb
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- Reminder
- HPS Parents Group
- Working together
- New Student Behaviour Management policy
- Virtual Learning Centre
- Taz Kids Program
- Kookaburra Bookworms
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Holidays … What are they? From day one of Term 2, our Havenview Primary School team have been hard at work – making the most of every minute we are at school, while Mr Murfet has been enjoying his well-deserved 8 days of Long Service Leave. With ‘one man down,’ every member of the school team has stepped up, so we have been able to continue motoring in a most productive way. Thank you, staff, students, and community members for everything – please know that I am myself incredibly grateful to all of you, for your understanding and kindness in regard to the many ‘oopsies’ I have made while filling the Size 12 shoes of Mr Murfet.
Continuing with the accolades – it was Fire Evacuation Drill yesterday and our entire school was applauded by the members of the Burnie Fire Brigade who attended. It was a calm, efficient and streamlined evacuation that had Mrs Fenton being quite the heroine, finding a student, on her final ‘sweep’ of the buildings, who hadn’t quite ‘got the memo’ to evacuate; that sealed the deal for us, and we passed with flying colours.
Our focus value for Term 2 is Courage – which resonates for me, with the wise words of Dr Brene Brown who debunks the myth that ‘… really brave people don’t feel scared or awkward. But rather - being brave is feeling scared or awkward, accepting those feelings, and moving forward anyway.’ Netflix comes up with some gems, and Brene’s ‘The Call to Courage’ is a diamond that they are currently airing. Here is my take-away from watching it – albeit between snores. Everyone loves to be a critic, and critics can tear you down and have you doubting yourself – however, Brene reminds us that when you make yourself vulnerable, get out there and have a go, feedback from those that are not doing the same – is not worth wasting your time on. So, I encourage you all to be vulnerable and courageous at the same time – as I am being right now and sharing with you my goal for the Term that shows my vulnerability and courage – I will sing in a choir in the Eisteddfod. What is your goal? Then share your goal with your children and encourage them to also be vulnerable and show courage at the self-same time and create a goal for themselves. It might be to have a go writing a word (without anyone’s help) that they really want to use, or to share their thinking in class even though they are worried someone might think they are silly or asking for help when they are unsure about something. The base for the word <courage> is <cor> and it is Latin for <heart>. So, let’s lead with our hearts.
Talking about heart - our Get Reading volunteers are all about heart and have already been busy sharing their love of reading with our youngest students – with a greater aim of consolidating their understanding of the concepts of print. So, an enormous thanks already to Skye Fulford, Missie Hardstaff and Bec Evans for giving of their time from 2pm onwards to read with our Kinder students. If you too want to know all about the concepts of print (ask the ladies, it sounds fancy – but it really is quite simple) and have a little free time from 2pm onwards, Monday to Wednesday, and are keen to read with our Kinder students, please leave your name at the office and you can join us next Wednesday at 2pm in the Library for your ‘training.’
And finally, let’s continue thanking people – Mrs Costello, Jagger and Maddie (who laid the wreath) and all the other students who represented us at the Anzac Parade – you made us proud. And as it is Wednesday as I write this, and the weather is cold – I am reminded to thank the super Souper Wednesday team! We certainly feed mind, soul and tummies here at Havenview!
Jenni Maartensz
Assistant Principal
Wednesday's Term 2 | Soupa Wednesday |
Tuesday & Friday's | School Lunch Project |
Wednesday 10 May |
Mother's Day Stall |
Tuesday 6 - 19 June |
OHST Fissure Sealant and Fluoride Varnish Program, Grades KK, Prep,1,2 & 6 |
Wednesday 7 June |
NWPSSA Cross Country |
Monday 12 June |
Kings Birthday Public Holiday |
Wednesday 14 June |
Parklands Parent Info evening 5:30 - 7:30pm |
Monday 10 - Friday 21 July |
School Holidays |
Monday 24 July |
Modreration Day ( Student free day ) |
Tuesday 25 July |
School resumes |
Anzac Day by Grade 2-3
Some 2/3 students had marched in the ANZAC parade. So as a class we had a discussion about why ANZAC Day is important to Australia and New Zealand.
We read the book Gallipoli written by Kerry Greenwood and Annie White. The students then brainstormed the words they heard in the book, and we used them to create some poetry.
News from Grade 5-6
In Term 2, students in 5/6 have conducted experiments that allow us to compare and think critically about the outcomes we have in relation to the changes of state for various materials.
We are changing variables between similar experiments to reflect on why certain outcomes occur, as well towards how we would might change certain aspects of our experiments to achieve different results.
Our class look forward towards sharing photos and notes from our experiments in the coming weeks.
One of our graduates from the HPS Get Reading program fully involved with her first 'student'. Look at these two enjoying reading time and talking concepts of print.
School Lunch Project menu for Term 2
Week 2 Tuesday May 2 Pasta Bolognaise Friday May 5 Sweet & Sour Chicken
Week 3 Tuesday May 9 Mexican Mince Friday May 12 Butter Chicken
Week 4 Tuesday May 16 Pasta Bolognaise Friday May 19 Sweet & Sour Chicken
Week 5 Tuesday May 23 Mexican Mince Friday May 26 Butter Chicken
Week 6 Tuesday May 30 Pasta Bolognaise Friday June 2 Sweet & Sour Chicken
Week 7 Tuesday June 6 Cottage Pie Friday June 9 Tuna Pasta Bake
Week 8 Tuesday June 13 Chow Mein Friday June 16 Veg Curry
Week 9 Tuesday June 20 Cottage Pie Friday June 23 Tuna Pasta Bake
Week 10 Tuesday June 27 Chow Mein Friday June 30 Veg Curry
Soupa Wednesday is back!!!
Thanks to the Parents Group Soupa Wednesdays starts back today, and every Wednesday for Term 2 & 3, where students and staff can warm themselves from the inside as the weather starts to cool off.
Todays soup is:
Vegie Soup
1kg mixed vegetables, roughly chopped.
(For example we used potato, sweet potato, pumpkin, swede, celery, carrot and silverbeet.)
1 tbs olive oil
1 onion diced
2 cloves garlic crushed
1L vegetable stock
Fry onion and garlic in oil over medium heat until soft.
Add vegetables and stock and bring to the boil.
Simmer for 30 minutes or until vegetables are soft.
Blend until smooth and serve.
Wednesday May 10
Mrs Gleeson's Pumpkin Soup
750g pumpkin
250g sweet potato
250g potato
2 large onions
1L veg stock
1 cup cream
2 tsp curry powder
salt & pepper
In a large saucepan heat 1-2 tbs oil and fry sliced onions and curry powder. Peel pumpkin and potatoes and cut into small pieces, add all to the pot along with stock.
Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer, uncovered for 30 minutes or until tender.
Blend and add cream, salt and pepper to taste and simmer for a further 5 minutes.
Thank you
We would sincerely like to thank Saputo for once again supporting Havenview Primary with sponsership, which enables us to continue to offer Breakfast Club daily, as well as providing healthy snack choices by way of vegetables and fruit for students.
Here is a list of Saputos products that you may like to consider next time you are in the supermaket.
It seems that all Nates hard work in the garden has paid off with this MONSTER zucchini.
Keep up the great work Nate!
Please be reminded that Havenview P.S is an egg and nut free school due to allergies.
This does include donations of egg cartons.
Thankyou for your understanding.
Havenview Primary Parents Group meet every Wednesday morning during school terms, in the Kookaburra Cafe. New faces and little helpers are always welcome.
Tmeeka Henricks
Working Together - Free education and care in 2023
Would you like your child to have the opportunity to make friends, play, learn and build confidence?
Working Together:
- Is free
- Offers 2 – 3 days of early learning per week for children
- Is available to children in their year before Kindergarten
- Provides support to families to participate in the program
- Is delivered through Tasmanian Early Childhood Education and Care services (sometimes known as childcare centres) in the following locations:
- North West – Burnie, Ulverstone and Devonport
- North – Launceston
- South - Brighton, Southern Midlands (Bagdad), Glenorchy and Kingborough
How can I take part?
Registrations are now open for 2023, with limited places available.
Learn more about Working Together and the eligibility criteria for children’s access at or contact us on:
- Email:
- North West: 0436 922 145
- North: 0436 930 963
- South: 0436 922 146
New Student Behaviour Management policy
Havenview Primary, along with all other Tasmanian Government schools, is committed to providing your child with a learning environment that supports them to be the best they can be. We work hard to provide safe, supportive, and inclusive environments where your child can engage positively with their learning.
To strengthen the way that schools prevent and respond to bullying, a new Policy and Procedure will be in place in Term one, 2023. The new Policy is known as the Student Behaviour Management policy. It replaces the existing Respectful Student Behaviour Policy.
The important change between the old policy and the new policy is that now all schools will have the same minimum standards for preventing and responding to bullying. The new policy also has a clear definition of what bullying is and sets clear expectations for how we support students impacted by bullying.
These changes mean that the way Havenview Primary prevents and responds to bullying will meet the same standards as all other Tasmanian Government Schools. Some schools may incorporate different programs or measures to respond to bullying, but all will have the same foundation.
For more information, see the Staying Safe in Tasmanian Government Schools parent fact sheet at
You can also talk to your child’s teacher, or Duncan Murfet to find out more.
Virtual Learning Centre update!
If your child needs to stay home due to illness, but is well enough to continue learning, they may like to access the Virtual Learning Centre via Canvas.
For Kindergarten to Year 10 students, the VLC provides access to online lessons and activities for your child on various focus areas including Reading and Writing, Number, Science, Physical Activity and Wellbeing.
Your child can complete activities of interest to them or to support catch-up learning and revision.
If your child is unsure of their Canvas username and password to access the VLC, please let us know and we can provide these to you.
You can also access resources and ideas to support learning at home at Learning at home. You can find out more about the Virtual Learning Centre on the Department for Education, Children and Young People website.
Whilst we acknowledge that illness may mean students are at home for a short time, it’s so important that our students are actively participating in their learning. We know that going to school every day gives your child every chance to learn and grown and connect with their friends and teachers.
If you’re struggling to get your child to school, help is available. Please talk to us at school about your situation. We’ll support you, in whatever way we can.