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- Principals Report
- Important Dates
- Above and Beyond
- News from Grade 1/2
- News from Grade 2/3
- NWPSSA Inter Primary Athletic Carnival
- Cricket Clinic
- Reading Volunteers
- Taz Kids Program
- School Association AGM
- Naplan
- HPS Parents Group
- New Student Behaviour Management policy
- School Lunch Project
- Virtual Learning Centre
- Working together
- Community News
Wow! Term 1 progresses rapidly and it continues to be a productive one for Havenview Primary School. Staff are busy preparing Individual Learning Plans and Term 1 progress reports, while I am currently in the process of developing Havenview Primary School’s Improvement Plan (SIP) for 2023/24. Every school’s SIP is developed from their Annual Review and 2022 data.
Our data suggests we will have 3 priorities for 2023:
- Continue to develop our Professional Learning Teams that are focused on improving teaching practice and student learning outcomes.
- Improving student reading.
- Consolidating our inclusive practices and refining how we support all students to achieve their best at Havenview. This will include a continuance of the Zones of Regulation and Berry Street Education Model philosophy.
I continue to be impressed with the number and quality of Above and Beyond stars that are awarded in our school. In the last two weeks we have had numerous staff, students and community members nominating others for their efforts in helping to make our school and greater community a better place. Remember if you see a member of our school community going ‘above and beyond’ let the ladies in the office know – and we can acknowledge them in our Monday Morning Meetings and put their ‘Star’ on the wall with all the others.
Duncan Murfet
Tuesdays and Fridays |
School Lunch Project |
Tuesday 21 March |
School Association AGM details below |
Tuesday 21 & 28 March |
Bringing Up Great Kids, Havenview P.S Hall |
Wednesday 29 March |
NWPSSA Inter School Carnival Grades 3-4 |
Wednesday 29 March |
Book Making with Parents K-3 |
Wednesday 29 March |
Dream Big Higher Education Visit Grades 5-6 |
Monday 3 April |
School Photos |
Thursday 6 April |
Student Free Day (Moderation Day) |
Friday 7 April |
Good Friday Public Holiday |
Monday 10 April |
Easter Monday Public Holiday |
Tuesday 11 April |
Easter Tuesday Public Holiday |
Wednesday 13 April –Monday 24 April |
School Holidays |
Tuesday 25 April |
Anzac Day Public Holiday |
Wednesday 26 April |
School resumes |
Grade 1-2 have been hard at work this Term, getting straight into a science project that has us looking at living things, what they need to survive, and live. We were lucky enough to have a visit from a blue tongue lizard and have had some amazing discussions around animals being pets and living in the wild, and how we can help take care of them in both places.
We have class tadpoles that we are watching grow their back legs, and slowly turn into frogs. We have been very careful that they have clean water, a place to hide and some fun things in their tank, and that they get fed just the right amount. Next week we will be working together to give them names. We will also be collecting some living creatures from our school environment and creating a habitat for them to live in our classroom. This will give us a chance to watch how they eat, sleep, grow and get along with each other.
We have also looked at where we live, and how maps represent where we live in different ways. We have some fun artwork using paint pastels and our drawing skills showing ‘Me on the Map’.
Our classroom is beginning to showcase some of the amazing work the students are producing while we find out and focus on their strengths and build our resilience while we learn new skills.
NWPSSA Inter Primary Athletic Carnival
Penguin Carnival report
This year our Upper Primary Team consisted of Gracie R, Maya, Eliza, Nikylah, Nicholas, Braxton, Xavier, Jagger, Elenah, Sierra, Archer, Madeline and Jayla. Our classes had the chance to compete at the Penguin Athletics Carnival for 2023.
It was an early start to the morning as 5/6 student hopped on the bus, already to give it a shot. As the day went on, we had lots of fun cheering and supporting everybody.
Elenah made it to the 75m semi-final as well as Gracie R, who also made it to the NWPSSA Twilight Carnival.
After all the running events were done we settled in for our last race, the relay and one of our groups got 3rd out of 6 other groups. The bus-ride home we were all thrilled of how well we did, we even celebrated by singing on the bus.
Everyone had a wonderful time, and we encourage everyone to try to get in next year.
Written by Elenah and Nicholas
A big thank you to Cricket Hub Tasmania; Mark, Tracy, Shena and Damien for sharing their cricket knowledge and assisting our students while they learnt new skills.
School Association AGM
Tuesday 21 March 4:30pm
Multi-Purpose Room
We need:
3 Parent Members
2 Teacher Member
1 Community Member
If you wish to nominate someone, please collect a nomination form from the office.
Nominees must have a current WWWP Card.
You will need another parent to second your nomination and the person you nominate will need to accept the nomination.
If you wish to be nominated, gather support from other parents.
All nomination forms must be returned to the school office no later than 3:00pm on Friday 17 March 2023.
Please consider joining our Association. It is a great experience; meetings are friendly and welcoming. We are looking forward to exciting times.
NAPLAN 2023 – YEARS 3 & 5
Testing will be between 15-27 March
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning at school. NAPLAN is one form of assessment that is used in schools, and parents may wish to discuss individual results with teachers. Testing for Years 3 & 5 students is usually conducted in Term 2. However, the testing has been moved forward this year and will be held in Term 1.
The link below will take you to a parent information brochure.
Please get in touch with the school if you have any further queries.
Havenview Primary Parents Group meet every Wednesday morning during school terms, in the Kookaburra Cafe. New faces and little helpers are always welcome.
Tmeeka Henricks
New Student Behaviour Management policy
Havenview Primary, along with all other Tasmanian Government schools, is committed to providing your child with a learning environment that supports them to be the best they can be. We work hard to provide safe, supportive, and inclusive environments where your child can engage positively with their learning.
To strengthen the way that schools prevent and respond to bullying, a new Policy and Procedure will be in place in Term one, 2023. The new Policy is known as the Student Behaviour Management policy. It replaces the existing Respectful Student Behaviour Policy.
The important change between the old policy and the new policy is that now all schools will have the same minimum standards for preventing and responding to bullying. The new policy also has a clear definition of what bullying is and sets clear expectations for how we support students impacted by bullying.
These changes mean that the way Havenview Primary prevents and responds to bullying will meet the same standards as all other Tasmanian Government Schools. Some schools may incorporate different programs or measures to respond to bullying, but all will have the same foundation.
For more information, see the Staying Safe in Tasmanian Government Schools parent fact sheet at
You can also talk to your child’s teacher, or Duncan Murfet to find out more.
Havenview is very fortunate to be excepted into the School Food Matter, School Lunch Program, where every Tuesday and Friday staff and students are supplied with lunch. School Food Matters focus is 'All Tasmanian children have access to healthy everyday food choices.'
Virtual Learning Centre update!
If your child needs to stay home due to illness, but is well enough to continue learning, they may like to access the Virtual Learning Centre via Canvas.
For Kindergarten to Year 10 students, the VLC provides access to online lessons and activities for your child on various focus areas including Reading and Writing, Number, Science, Physical Activity and Wellbeing.
Your child can complete activities of interest to them or to support catch-up learning and revision.
If your child is unsure of their Canvas username and password to access the VLC, please let us know and we can provide these to you.
You can also access resources and ideas to support learning at home at Learning at home. You can find out more about the Virtual Learning Centre on the Department for Education, Children and Young People website.
Whilst we acknowledge that illness may mean students are at home for a short time, it’s so important that our students are actively participating in their learning. We know that going to school every day gives your child every chance to learn and grown and connect with their friends and teachers.
If you’re struggling to get your child to school, help is available. Please talk to us at school about your situation. We’ll support you, in whatever way we can.
Working Together - Free education and care in 2023
Would you like your child to have the opportunity to make friends, play, learn and build confidence?
Working Together:
- Is free
- Offers 2 – 3 days of early learning per week for children
- Is available to children in their year before Kindergarten
- Provides support to families to participate in the program
- Is delivered through Tasmanian Early Childhood Education and Care services (sometimes known as childcare centres) in the following locations:
- North West – Burnie, Ulverstone and Devonport
- North – Launceston
- South - Brighton, Southern Midlands (Bagdad), Glenorchy and Kingborough
How can I take part?
Registrations are now open for 2023, with limited places available.
Learn more about Working Together and the eligibility criteria for children’s access at or contact us on:
- Email:
- North West: 0436 922 145
- North: 0436 930 963
- South: 0436 922 146